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EAGALA – horse power to improve your mental health

Because at Retreat South we create a treatment programme with you we have a range of therapists and therapies. In this day and age treatments go beyond that talk based therapies – which is a great therapy and has a long record of success – to treatment approaches like EAGALA, which has also proven to be beneficial around the world.



EAGALA stands for the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association. The EAGALA association is an international association of health professionals who use horses in therapy. They incorporate horses into a therapy to address mental health and other issues.

Although it is a relativly new therapy, the relationship between horses and humans has been a beneficial one. The ancient Greeks had a saying, “the outside of a horse is the best thing for the inside of a man,” so the benefit has been there for centuries.

EAGALA programmes are used around the world and, like all the therapies offered at Retreat South, it follows a standard of practice to ensure the upmost professionalism.

Although horse-based therapy means you work directly with horse it doesn’t mean you need to ride horses or learn to ride. It is a safe and supporting therapeutic encounter too. Through EAGALA you work directly with horses in solution-oriented approach and use the intuitive power of horses to understand and enable the changes you want to make in your therapeutic goal setting.

A horse-based therapy is just one the treatments we offer at Retreat South, and all our treatments are in a safe, confidential and relaxing environment. Call us today to discuss the treatments we can offer to help you on your path to recovery.

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