How to Beat Depression, Anxiety and Stress with Garden Therapy
The therapeutic benefits of garden and natural environments have been well-known for centuries.
We have a number of gardens at Retreat South as well as the natural surroundings. Our gardens provide a tranquil environment for you during your stay. They also support many of the therapeutic, treatment and rehabilitation processes. Our treatment and activity rooms are set among the gardens and can even be treatment areas.
At Retreat South we use proven therapies as part of our client’s individually tailored programs. In addition to psychology our team bring together a number of therapies.
Our location in Victoria’s South West countryside allows us to use that location to provide another effective therapy.
Garden based therapies have shown to be beneficial in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other stress related conditions. In recent years ‘garden therapy’ has been proven to be an effective treatment for the stress recovery process. Recent studies involved participants performing a stressful task. One group read indoors and the other gardened outdoors for 30 minutes. The group that read still felt stressed, while the gardeners no longer felt stressed and even had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Here in Australia, researchers are finding many links between parks, gardens and natural settings have a positive benefit on depression and anxiety. There are benefits in other areas too. One study found people in their 60s found who regularly gardened had a 36% lower risk of dementia than the non-gardeners. So gardening activities can be a way of maintaining good health throughout life.
Call us today to talk about how we can provide you with a treatment program for stress, anxiety, depression.