Understanding mental health
Looking after your own mental health is as important as seeking treatment when you know you have mental health problems.
One of the ways to look after yourself is to know what’s what about keeping your mind as well as your body. Two years ago, University of Melbourne researchers quizzed 16,000 people via the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and uncovered an array of mental health facts the participants did not understand.
Some of these facts were the most common issues encountered. For example, under half the people surveyed did not think that, to recover from anxiety disorders, the things that cause the anxiety need to be faced. Just over half knew that when someone was experiencing delusions, it is best not to try reasoning with them.
A interesting response was that, 98 per cent, knew that exercise was beneficial to relieve depression. Depression is one of the most common mental health issues and the more people know about it and how to do things to treat it shows that the conversations around depression are working.
And another good thing is that those conversations are widening. Individuals and organisations are raisning awareness around mental depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. Recently the Transport Workers’ Union has began addressing these issues across the industry. Nearly a quarter of Australian truck drivers experience mental health issues, but less than ten per cent receive treatment.
That is an alarming statistic but, thats to the union’s partnering with Beyondblue, awareness within the industry in a special program, we can look forward to more these conversations.
At Retreat South conversations about good mental health are our business. We take the time to understand you and your reasons for reaching out to us. That way we can plan your treatment with you.
Contact us today and heave a conversation about mental health that can give you the opportunity to heal.