Poor mental health can shorten life expectancy
The part played by alcohol in relation to mental health problems has been under the spotlight for many years. Dependancy and addiction to alcohol or alcohol used to deal with mental health problems is a significant problem.
New research between Danish and Australian universities has experts recommending more holistic mental health treatment in light of the part alcohol related problems played in reduced life spans across the last two decades.
New research has found that men diagnosed with a mental health problem can live ten years less than men who are not. The research found that women with a mental health problem could have a seven year shorter life span.
The study used information from Danish medical records between 1994 and 2014. The study was a joint work between Australian and Danish experts. The study is hoped to be replicated using Australian medical information.
The researchers said the shorter life span is of concern as there has been significant efforts to promote better understanding of mental health issues over that same time. Although the mortality gap has stayed the same, causes of death have changed with conditions like diabetes and heart disease being of greater significance.
Alcohol related conditions have also played an increasingly greater role in deaths during that period. Alcohol has been found to be the cause for shorter life-spans among people with mental health conditions over the last 20 years.
The researchers called on governments to implement more holistic approaches to mental health saying medication is not enough.
If you are experiencing alcohol related mental health or any other mental health look at our resources page for some places to contact for support. If you are considering treatment, contact us to see how we can work with you to plan course of action to help you on the path to recovery.